(071) 056-31... SHOW

Youth for Christ South Africa is part of YFC International, a Christian non-denominational, non-profit, evangelical youth movement operating in over 100 countries. At its core, YFC is a movement of people unified by a common heart for Jesus and for young people. Youth for Christ believes that every child is precious and wonderfully made by God, and deserves to live a life filled with hope and purpose, despite their socio-economic realities. Our belief enthuses us to give HOPE to children, youth and their families within schools, communities, directly on the streets, in shelters and provide training to young adults. We target poverty stricken communities and those who live on the edges of society, who feel hopeless, helpless and unlovable. Some of the issues addressed through the projects are: Poverty; Dysfunctional families; Abuse; Unemployment; Gender inequality; Street life and its addiction; and Economic strengthening and skills development and training...

Christian Mission Organizations, Youth Organizations

(011) 953-17... SHOW

Christian Mission Organizations

Meyerton, South Africa

(064) 941-47... SHOW

Die Spade Reën Sending sien homself as 'n Pinkster Evangeliese kerk. Deur die geloof in Jesus Christus, is ons verenig tot alle belydende Christene op erde. Ons hoofdoel is om die wêreldwye kerk van Jesus Christus te help vestig .

Christian Mission Organizations

Centurion, South Africa

(012) 660-27... SHOW

Die Spade Reën Sending sien homself as 'n Pinkster Evangeliese kerk. Deur die geloof in Jesus Christus, is ons verenig tot alle belydende Christene op erde. Ons hoofdoel is om die wêreldwye kerk van Jesus Christus te help vestig...

Christian Mission Organizations

Benoni, South Africa

(011) 967-10... SHOW

Die Spade Reën Sending sien homself as 'n Pinkster Evangeliese kerk. Deur die geloof in Jesus Christus, is ons verenig tot alle belydende Christene op erde. Ons hoofdoel is om die wêreldwye kerk van Jesus Christus te help vestig...

Christian Mission Organizations

Nigel, South Africa

(011) 814-82... SHOW

Die Spade Reën Sending sien homself as 'n Pinkster Evangeliese kerk. Deur die geloof in Jesus Christus, is ons verenig tot alle belydende Christene op erde. Ons hoofdoel is om die wêreldwye kerk van Jesus Christus te help vestig. Ons weet almal dat die mensdom oor grense heen besten, asook dat ons almal die hoogte- en legtepunte van die menslike besten deelagtig word. As Christene weet ons God het ons lief en weet dat ons harte verenig is deur die Heilige Gees met God. Omdat Christus in ons leef, word ons lewens nie oorheers deur die sonde en selfsug nie, mer deur God se liefde en die gees van Jesus. Dus het ons lewe 'n nuwe basis, 'n nuwe betekenis en lewe ons om nuwe doele te bereik. Ons lewe gen nie oor onsself nie, mer oor God en ons medemens. Ook is ons geluk nie afhanklik van kortstondige verlies van eiendom of die wêreldse dinge nie, mer ons lewens moet gekenmerk word deur standvastige liefde, vreugde, vrede en hoop vir die toekoms sem met Christus in God se glorie...

Christian Mission Organizations

Ga-Rankuwa, South Africa

(012) 560-20... SHOW

An Independent Evangelical Faith Mission in Southern Africa. Founded in 1942. (A nonprofit organization) "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation" Romans 1: 16

Christian Mission Organizations

Pretoria, South Africa

(012) 806-72... SHOW

Die Spade Reën Sending sien homself as 'n Pinkster Evangeliese kerk. Deur die geloof in Jesus Christus, is ons verenig tot alle belydende Christene op erde. Ons hoofdoel is om die wêreldwye kerk van Jesus Christus te help vestig...

Christian Mission Organizations

Pretoria, South Africa

(012) 345-40... SHOW

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Christian Mission Organizations

Soweto, South Africa

(011) 935-53... SHOW

Christian Mission Organizations

Centurion, South Africa

(012) 343-11... SHOW

Live School is the primary ministry and project of World Mission Centre. It is a comprehensive and portable missions training and discipleship program that seeks to train indigenous believers in remote and unreached areas of the developing world to plant sustainable churches and be missionaries to their own and neighboring people groups. Live School students go through the six-month program covering theology, leadership, evangelism, character development and much more. Afterwards, students are sent out for in-field training and outreach and will go on to transform communities, plant sustainable churches and preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Live School curriculum has been translated into English, Russian, Arabic, Swahili, Farsi, Turkish, Korean and French. Currently, the Spanish and Portuguese translation of the curriculum is underway.

Christian Mission Organizations

Pretoria, South Africa

(012) 342-64... SHOW

Christian Mission Organizations, Trust Companies

Boksburg, South Africa

(084) 821-74... SHOW

SAGLONET seeks to mobilise the Body of Christ for Missions, and Training on Church Planting and Growth

Christian Mission Organizations

Pretoria, South Africa

(012) 342-99... SHOW

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) is a faith-based nonprofit committed to improving the lives of women and children in disadvantaged communities.

Christian Mission Organizations

Pretoria, South Africa

(012) 993-48... SHOW

Christian Mission Organizations