South Arican Independent Churches Organization (Saico)
Pretoria, South Africa
Registrar of independent churches and Church Ministries.
(072) 836-56... SHOW
Spade Reen Sending Internasionaal - Eersterus
Pretoria, South Africa
Die Spade Reën Sending sien homself as 'n Pinkster Evangeliese kerk. Deur die geloof in Jesus Christus, is ons verenig tot alle belydende Christene op erde. Ons hoofdoel is om die wêreldwye kerk van Jesus Christus te help vestig...
(012) 806-72... SHOW
Capro Missions SA
Pretoria, South Africa
[One_third_first] [/ One_third_first] [One_third] [/ One_third] [One_third_last] [/ One_third_last] https: / / Youtu. Be / J-bxqpb5-0c [Rev_slider Alias=vision] [One_fourth_first] Dimep every Christian should be like a mirror reflecting Jesus to the world; and every Christian should be an atlas bearing the burden for the nations on his or her shoulders. [/ One_fourth_first] [One_fourth] operation Joshua visit a mission-field, get a taste of the harvest, touch lives and get impacted for life! [/ One_fourth] [One_fourth] school of missions get trained! Do you have a missionary call? Get the best training for cross-cultural evangelism. [/ One_fourth] [One_fourth_last] Christian volunteer service the Christian volunteer service (CVS) provides you with the opportunity to spend one or two years of your life to advance the cause of missions. [/ One_fourth_last]