Thohoyandou Victim Empowerment Programme (TVEP)
House 2 Old Embassy Building, Sibasa, South Africa
In 1997, the Thohoyandou Community Policing Forum together with the SAPS initiated the establishment of a Victim Empowerment Committee (VEC) in accordance with the provisions of the National Crime Prevention Strategy. With seed funding from the Department of Health, the South African Police dServices and local business, the first 24 / 7 One Stop Trauma Centre was opened at our regional hospital in September 2001, and ?break the silence? campaigns were initiated. Activities: -Create a supportive environment for the victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and the HIV / AIDS pandemic -Inform and educate communities about their rights and responsibilities pertaining to sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and HIV / AIDS -Rehabilitation of victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and HIV / AIDS