Terracopta - Advanced Mapping/Drone Surveying
Dana Bay, Mossel Bay, South Africa
SACe Certified Pilot operating with ROC WhatsUp / Call Alan: 0713855176 for further info Deliverables Include: • Dense Point Clouds in LAZ, LAS, XYZand PLY formats. • XYZ grids with variable spacing on all deliverables. • 3D textures mesh with variable texture pixel size in, DXF, PLY, XBS and OBJ formats. • Contours in DXF, SHP and PDF formats. • DSM and GeoTIFF. • Grid DSM in XYZ LAS and LAZ. • Orthomosaic. • Animated 3D fly overs. • Civil 3D • Autocad • ModelMaker • Microstation • PLS-CAD