Strand Loper Die

(6 Reviews)
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Erf 2648 Beach Road, Langebaan, South Africa
Category: Restaurants


(6 Reviews)


Langebaan, West Coast District, Western Cape, South Africa


  • Love Weskus (Pty) Ltd
    Langebaan, South Africa
    Visitors, Residents and Businesses in Langebaan. Discover and Explore while visiting, Live and Enjoy living here and Love doing business in Langebaan.
    (082) 574-95... SHOW
  • Oliphantskop Farm Inn
    Langebaan, South Africa
    Just 800 meters opposite Club Mykonos you will find the rustically-renovated 120 year old farm. With reed ceilings, thick granite walls, tranquil gardens and a natural rock pool, a stop or a stay is a must at Oliphantskop Langeben.
    (022) 772-23... SHOW
  • Boesmanland Plaaskombuis
    Langebaan, South Africa
    This is an example page. Its different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes) . Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this: Hi there! Im a bike messenger ...
    (022) 772-15... SHOW