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South Africa
Mines - Coal
Springlake Colliery
Springlake Colliery
Glencoe, South Africa
(034) 393-1573
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Mines - Coal
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Glencoe, Umzinyathi District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Mines - Coal
SLP Mining (Pty) Ltd
Dundee, South Africa
Mining and Supplier of Anthracite, Bituminous Coal, Coking Coal and Lean Coal in various grades or specifications. Operations in and around Dundee and Vryheid, KZN. FOT sales. 1. Duff available: Inherent Moisture 3. 30; CV 20. 58; Ash 30. 5; Volatiles 13. 5; Fixed Carbon 52. 7; Total sulphur 1. 11. - Location: Dundee, KZN. SA. SA Contact: 064 697 3236 . Int. Contact: + 27 697 3236.
(064) 697-32
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Tc Coal Mining
Emalahleni, South Africa
Crushing and Screening, Loading and hauling of coal,
(013) 656-23
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MMM Coal (Pty) Ltd
Emalahleni, South Africa
Crushing and Screening, Loading and hauling of coal, Crushing of AggregateShift change
(013) 658-64
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