SAVF Lolliepop

Calyx Street 8A, Blydeville, Lichtenburg, South Africa
SAVF renders welfare and welfare related services. SAVF lewer professionele welsyns- of welsynsverwante dienste. As a national welfare orgaisation to render social services to individuals and families within the community in order to empower them to improve quality of life. Om as nasionale welsynsorganisasie metskaplike dienste en individue en gesinne binne die gemeenskap te lewer ten einde hul te bemagtig om 'n verskil in lewenskwaliteit teweeg te bring.



Lichtenburg, Ngaka Modiri Molema District, North West, South Africa


  • Inter Community Services (ICS)
    Lichtenburg, South Africa
    Provide care and support services to families. Encourage and enhance self-reliance by creating job opportunities. Train organization staff on Counseling, and effective advocacy techniques. Train parents on effective parenting roles and responsibilities emergency food assistance to the poor and Ovc's poverty relief program (drop in Center) for all family members assistance in pension and other grant applications information Center (internet access for students, healthy living and lifestyles, know your rights as a child, citizen of Sa, human rights, Labor related ETC after school homework assistance illiteracy and cultural awareness programs Community watch dog project youth in arts and culture provision of basic needs to them what nutrition, healthy living and lifestyles is concern, so that it can have a positive impact on themselves, and even society. Family conflicts uncontrollable teenagers
    (076) 158-80... SHOW
  • Childline - North West
    Potchefstroom, South Africa
    Childline is an effective non-profit organization that works collectively to protect children from all forms of violence and to create a culture of children's rights in SA.
    (018) 297-44... SHOW
  • ACVV ECD Programs, Creches & After School - St Helena Bay Pikkie Dikkie
    Vredenburg, South Africa
    We provide day care services and develop programs, thereby enabling 4 690 pre-school children to have learning opportunities.
    (022) 736-14... SHOW