Quickman is an accredited Seal- Pro Applicator and promote Seal- Pro’s high quality coatings to be purchased threw us or applied as a service. Seal-Pro coatings have a 5 year quality guarantee and life expectancy of 10- 15 years, if applied by an accredited Seal- Pro Applicator. Our other services include Insulation coatings and ceiling insulation installation (glass wool, silver foil, bubble foil etc…) . Dry walling, interior renovation, demolition, metal gates and cages for factory’s or warehouse storage. We provide a new water proofing systems with Seal-Pro’s Hydro Seal Armour tech concept. This is a high quality membrane based waterproofing system, saturated in a flexible waterproof, long lasting liquid plastic coating. This is an environmentally friendly and long lasting alternative to conventional waterproofing systems. With only a light bag wash needed, it is a great alternative for big construction companies that wish to waterproof retaining walls that are buried under soi