Pre Commission Cleaning Consultants (Pty) Ltd
7 Richardson Road, Southbroom, South Africa
Pre Commission Cleaning Consultants (Pty) Ltd is owned and Directed by Kevin Russell having 10 years local experience in managing chemical cleaning projects and as Director for 11 years internationally . The Company is a Level 4 B-BBEE contributor and has resources available to supply the following services utilizing available resources including client resources to provide the most cost effective service to the industry. Type of company: Service and Consultancy Primary business: Pipeline Gel Pigging & Industrial Chemical Cleaning Services: Pipeline Gel pigging / pigging, Stainless Steel Pickling / Passivation, Pressure Testing, Industrial Chemical Cleaning, Hydraulic Oil Flushing Contact: Kevin Russell- MD Cell: + 27818668915 Web address: pccc@websurfer. co. za Address: PO Box 424, Southbroom, Kwazulu-Natal, 4277