Pet Shops & Vets Online Directory

Johannesburg, South Africa
Help us grow! Online directory: pet shops, veterinarians, veterinary practices, pet surgeons, animal charities and other animal related organisations in South Africa. Add your local pet shop or vet.



Johannesburg, Greater Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa


  • Budget Pet Supplies
    Johannesburg, South Africa
    BudgetPetSupplies is an online pet supply store in South Africa that has wide items for your pet dog, cat, horse, bird or pig. Every one of our items are certifiable, dependable and of prestigious brands like advantage, advantix, bravecto, comfortis, frontline, advocate, bayticol, nexgard, revolution and more.
    (087) 056-88... SHOW
  • Horse Junction
    Pretoria, South Africa
    Horsejunction - South Africa's No 1 Equestrian Site
    (012) 345-29... SHOW
  • Mera Grooming Parlour
    Centurion, South Africa
    Doggie Parlour, Dog Food supplier & Doggie essentials.
    (012) 756-12... SHOW