The Grain Department of OVK offers an all-inclusive service to grain-producers. Apart from the handling of grain OVK also provides clients with expert advice on grain-marketing. Services at the silos comprise of the following: - Grain-storage on behalf of producers, buyers and storage customers; - Drying of wet grain; - Screening and cleaning grain of poisonous seeds and inferior kernels; - Sagging of grain; - Compliance with food security standards
(051) 923-47... SHOW
OVK Purchases - Milking Machines and Equipment
Ladybrand, South Africa
OVK - An agricultural enterprise creating prosperity.
(051) 923-45... SHOW
OVK Insurance - Ladybrand
Ladybrand, South Africa
OVK Insurance Brokers offers a wide range of products and services, comprising short-term insurance, personal or agriculture insurance, commercial insurance and crop insurance. OVK Insurance Brokers further aims to provide appropriate cover with competitive premiums as well as a claims service of an excellent standard. With the above-mentioned protection in mind and in our continuing endeavours to protect your interests, OVK Insurance Brokers established a first class insurance product, namely Advantage. Accredited insurance experts analyse clients' current portfolios to determine their risk and insurance needs. OVK Insurance Brokers is an authorised financial service provider ...