OVK Client Finance - Ficksburg

Ficksburg, South Africa
The main purpose of the OVK Client Financing Department is to provide credit facilities to clients to enable them to benefit from all the other products and services available to OVK clients. Any South African citizen can apply for financing with OVK and all applications are dealt with on merit. A variety of financing products are available: *Monthly accounts *Production accounts (summer, winter, 3-, 6-, 9- or 12 months) . *Hire-purchase account (new or second-hand vehicles and equipment) *Term loans (livestock, lime, fencing material, precision farming) *Advances on fibre deliveries *Bridging facilities based on merit are available. *Investment account (Shareholder loan F) - a facility whereby an OVK shareholder can invest with OVK and earn interest at a prime rate minus 2. 5% per annum.



Ficksburg, Thabo Mofutsanyana District, Free State, South Africa


  • OVK Insurance - Ficksburg
    Ficksburg, South Africa
    OVK Insurance Brokers offers a wide range of products and services, comprising short-term insurance, personal or agriculture insurance, commercial insurance and crop insurance. OVK Insurance Brokers further aims to provide appropriate cover with competitive premiums as well as a claims service of an excellent standard. With the above-mentioned protection in mind and in our continuing endeavours to protect your interests, OVK Insurance Brokers established a first class insurance product, namely Advantage. Accredited insurance experts analyse clients' current portfolios to determine their risk and insurance needs. OVK Insurance Brokers is an authorised financial service provider ...
    (051) 933-76... SHOW
  • OVK Agricultural Services - Ficksburg
    Ficksburg, South Africa
    As a result of the rapid advance in technology and the concurrent progress in farming-practices and instruments, farmers experienced a growing need for agricultural advice and support in this respect. While the department initially merely operated in an advisory capacity, it rapidly expanded to its current position at the forefront of the latest technology - all within six years. In this way OVK became the first agricultural company to develop an irrigation schedule which is able to supply clients with moisture data directly by means of a modem. A scanner is also used to determine soil-physical and soil-chemical factors, as well as the variable application of fertiliser in precision farming.
    (051) 933-76... SHOW
  • OVK Trade - Ficksburg Regional Office
    Ficksburg, South Africa
    The OVK Retail division is one of the stalwarts of the company. OVK Trade comprises 51 trade branches, which are situated across the country - from Steynsrus in the north to Willowmore in the south and from Prieska in the west to Elliot in the east. In accordance with the area of business, all input means required by farmers are available at the branches. Fuel is also provided at most of the branches and in some cases ours is the only service station in the town or district. OVK runs 4 trade regional offices. These are situated in Ficksburg, Hopetown, Cradock and Burgersdorp. The successful functioning of each of the trade-branches is the main task of these regional offices. In many instances these trade regional offices and the trade-branches form the nucleus of the local economy of the 51 districts. The OVK trade-branches are available to all and sundry for their purchases and they can count on expert service, complimented by a full range of products and services with value...
    (051) 933-76... SHOW