Negative: Not Professional, Not Responsive.
Hi I would like to complain about the Durban branch... my friend Sagren Govender has applied for provident fund on 6th May and also is medically boarded off ... every time we phone there is a person who by the name of Rajesh who tells us different stories and further more most of our calls be put on hold and not answered.... My friend has been waiting for over 5 months and nothing has been done... every week when we finally get through to Rajesh he tells us that they are currently working with the claim or we going to get it within a week's time but nothing ever falls through with what he says... please can you kindly assist us. We would be grateful for the help.
Hi im very disappointed in how your Durban branch is managing my friends provident fund payout. He has applied for his money in July **** and every time he phones them to enquire there is a different issue .My friend has worked most of his working life in the shoe industry and now that he has financial problems and applied for his provident fund he is being given the run around. Now this issue he is faced with does not make sense in my view and would like yourl as the head office to kindly explain why must I go around looking for service records which unfortunately has been mislaid due to my moving house so many times and from my calls made to the Durban branch I have been told that they will pay me for 2 companies worked and what about the others that he has worked for like redline shoes and best shoes it seems as if people who are employed in this branch in Durban has no interest in helping him so please as I am a friend and I know his struggles Please help him his name is Faizel Ali