Mr Price Home - Hermanus

108 Solidas Building, 118 Main Road, Hermanus, South Africa
Mr Price Home is the most loved and most frequented home ware retailer in South Africa! With 150 stores countrywide, and the widest range available to shop ONLINE in SA, we aim to delight our customers with well designed contemporary home ware and furniture that offers great value!



Hermanus, Overberg District, Western Cape, South Africa


  • Home etc - Hermanus
    Hermanus, South Africa
    HOME etc. is one of South Africa's leading speciality homeware retailers, offering trend designed quality goods in cooking, dining and entertaining that are great value for money. We provide you with a range of renowned brands such as Wilkinson Sword, Russel Hobbs, Legend, Eetrite and take the lead as the largest stockist of Maxwell & Williams Designer Homeware. We offer you an exciting shopping experience with exceptional presentation and customer service standards. HOME etc. prides itself on its staff that are friendly and offer superior product knowledge.
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  • @Home - Hermanus
    Hermanus, South Africa
    Welcome to @Home Online - the leading choice for quality homeware products in South Africa
    (028) 312-39... SHOW
  • Amdoor
    Hermanus, South Africa
    Amdoor, a manufacturer based in Cape Town, supplies doors and windows (wooden and aluminium), and ironmongery to the construction industry on a variety of contracts including houses, hotels, schools, factories and government buildings.
    (028) 312-18... SHOW