Kingsway Locksmith

16 Rosslyn Road, Amanzimtoti, South Africa
Category: Locksmiths



Amanzimtoti, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


  • Amanzimtoti Locksmiths
    Amanzimtoti, South Africa
    Number plates and Keys cut while you wait.
    (074) 122-05... SHOW
  • Central Locksmiths
    Durban, South Africa
    We do keys, lock repairs, opening of all types of locks cars safes
    (084) 846-58... SHOW
  • AA Locksmiths & Grinding Specialists
    Durban, South Africa
    Locksmiths. Supply of and repair to locking systems, and cutting of keys. Safe, home and vehicles.
    (031) 306-50... SHOW