Negative: Not Professional.
A sales representative misdiagnosed my car in order to overcharge me and also, apparently, take a cut from his boss. I realized it when he already had stolen around 2,300 rand from me. But before he started some work on thr car (which wasn't needed) that was going to cost me almost 3***0 rand. I called the owner and told him what was happening. We met at his office and he seemed really concerned. He asked me to sign an affidavit for him. I agreed. Before I left he told me this sales representative was on the brick of killing himself. So I called him later and told him I wouldn't mind if we'd talked to the guy, let him come clean and give back the money. He answered back the next day asking me to come alone to the Hi-Q to speak with him and the employee. I said I didn't feel safe to do that in the place where I was going to get robbed. I suggested meeting somewhere else and being Accompanied by a friend. He said hewas sorry I was feeling that way. I never heard from him again