Hand Therapy
Pretoria, South Africa
Hand Therapy is a group of medical professionals that are experts in treatment of hand, wrist and finger pain. We have a cozy practice in Garsfontein, Pretoria where we treat various types of hand injuries. Hand therapists test all the types of tissues in your hand to get a clear diagnosis, and start your treatment right away. Registered, skilled, experienced medical professionals that know how to deal with pain, stiffness, muscle tears, nerve pain and swollen knuckles. Hand therapists treat hand, wrist and finger pain from muscles, tendons, nerves and joints. Basically we test and diagnose your problem. Then treat it with a variety of hand therapy techniques, machines or splints. Hand Therapy claims directly from your medical aid. No co-payments or extras. No unexpected bills, just plain and simple. Pay cash or with your medical aid. We want to provide you with world class treatment without breaking your bank account. Affordable, effective treatment programs.