61 Katherine Street, Sandton, South Africa
Gershon South Africa provides distinguished actionable strategies, business optimisation, go-to-market strategies, end-to-end proposal development, partner-sourcing & relationship facilitation, skillful negotiations, hosting delegations and special envoys. We make these inputs available to local firms hoping to stay in business or exhibiting an appetite to expand, foreign entities looking to establish local presence and companies considering the leveraging of their expertise and / or offerings through workable transparent JV models and fruitful working relationships across industries and terrains. Our strategies and know-how in the field of optimisation have been proven and tested across industries. Further to the impact experienced firsthand when our own firm's income grew by 3500% within 23 months. Our own growth is derived from growing others . As markets grow and shrink, we have learnt to adapt and apply these savvy inputs to remain relevant, sustainable and grow.