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(033) 845-92... SHOW
ACDC Express - Pietermaritzburg
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
ACDC Express is an electrical retail franchise, specializing in everything electrical. We have over 85 000 line items that include Lighting, Solar, Circuit Breakers, Security, Hygiene, Automation, Telemetry Systems, Pumps, Switch-gear and Instrumentation, Energy Management and Power Factor Control, Tools, Wiring and Cable Management. We are stockists of premium brands such as Gewiss, Terasaki, Datalogic, Rhomberg, Weicon, Moël, Orbis, Crown, Weicon and Oérre.
(087) 405-06... SHOW
New World Electrical Contractor and Wholesaler
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Electrical Wholesaler and Contractor. For all your Electrical supplies visit us at WWW. NWEONLINE. CO. ZA. Maintenance, fault finding, repairs Geyser repairs Compliance Certicates Registered and licence electricians Reasonable rates On call 24 / 7 Free quotation (t & c apply)