1 Angus Crescent, Longmeadow Business Estate, Lethabong, South Africa
With more than 50 years experience, DLM offers expert advice, a comprehensive technologically advanced range of products, a substantial stock holding and an extensive branch infrastructure capable of providing skilled technical and sales service. *Valves: pneumatic actuators and accessories; instrumentation valves and fittings; control valves safety and relief valves; pressure reducing valves; bursting discs and explosion panels; flame arrestors; strainers; crown, gate, globe, check, ball, ball float, parallel slide and plug valves; thermostatic mixing valves; boiler fittings; associated equipment. *Flow: Positive displacement, mass and turbine flow meters; mechanical and electronic presets and registers; etc. *Instrumentation: Ultrasonic flow, level and density measurement and control: float and displacer level switches; variable area and pitot tube flow measurement; vibrating fork level switches; boiler level controls and automation; etc...