Duesouth - Vaal Mall

Vaal Mall, Cnr Barrage Road & Rossini Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
High quality outdoor gear, apparel and footwear for the modern adventurer!



Vanderbijlpark, Sedibeng, Gauteng, South Africa


  • Trappers - Vaal
    Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
    Outdoor Goods Since 1977 - We sell a wide range of outdoor apparel, footwear and equipment. Most of our clothing and footwear range is made locally with South African quality and durability a top priority.
    (016) 931-20... SHOW
  • Cape Union Mart - Vaal Mall, Vanderbijlpark
    Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
    Cape Union Mart International (Pty) Ltd has been equipping South African adventurers since 1933, and is South Africa's favourite outdoor adventure store. Stocking everything one needs for outdoor pursuits - including hiking, camping, trail running, mountain biking, snow sports, travel and more - Cape Union Mart is an essential first step in every adventure. Cape Union Mart has stores across South Africa, and in Namibia and Botswana.
    (016) 981-51... SHOW
  • Cape Union Mart - Heidelberg Mall
    Heidelberg, Gauteng, South Africa
    Cape Union Mart International (Pty) Ltd has been equipping South African adventurers since 1933, and is South Africa's favourite outdoor adventure store. Stocking everything one needs for outdoor pursuits - including hiking, camping, trail running, mountain biking, snow sports, travel and more - Cape Union Mart is an essential first step in every adventure. Cape Union Mart has stores across South Africa, and in Namibia and Botswana.
    (016) 341-20... SHOW