Buyamhlaba Trading Enterprise (Pty) Ltd

Pilgrim 206 Rietspruit 2221 Kriel Site, Emalahleni, South Africa
The BTE Team is compromised of two members. With well over one year's Combined coal mining experience. Both Director's have vast experience in the different roles they held respectively while employed, and have managed and also implemented all of the above service's. To this end as Buyamhlaba ., Services Understand it position that it is a young ambitious company with the mission to provide professional service to all its clients therefore presented the individual within the company ' s work experience as its own reference. Buyamhlaba . Services believe in the power of people and their ability to shift boundaries which leads to success. We believe that when inspired leader in any special field come together, one expects nothing less greatness . • Mining Service / underground low seam mining / Opencast and haul mining • Surface Mining / Dust Control / Crushing and Screeni.
Category: Mines - Coal



Emalahleni, Nkangala District, Mpumalanga, South Africa


Anglo American Zibulo Site
Buyamhlaba Trading Enterprise Pty
Anglo American Zibulo Site
Buyamhlaba Trading Enterprise Pty


  • Tc Coal Mining
    Emalahleni, South Africa
    Crushing and Screening, Loading and hauling of coal,
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  • MMM Coal (Pty) Ltd
    Emalahleni, South Africa
    Crushing and Screening, Loading and hauling of coal, Crushing of AggregateShift change
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  • Greenside Colliery
    Emalahleni, South Africa
    Greenside colliery is situated 15km south-west of Witbank in Mpumalanga and forms part of the South African Coal Estates Complex (SACE), which includes Landau and Kleinkopje collieries. The mine was established to supply coal to overseas markets through the Richards Bay Coal Terminal, as well as a small quantity of coal for domestic use. Its total output is 4. 4 million run of mine tonnes a year which equates to 3. 1 million saleable tonnes of coal. It has four underground continuous miner sections.
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