32 Mount Street, Bryanston, Sandton, South Africa
Home Owner & Builder Workshop Experienced home owner and registered builder Michele offers a workshop for Home Owners where she highlights all the pitfalls of building in South Africa. The course deals with everything you need to know from the purchase of land and plan stage, important issues such as your responsibility as an owner or builder, the legal compliance issues you need to be aware of and finally occupying your home. *We help you take control of your project. *We show you how not to compromise on the key features of your home. *We show you how to do your homework thoroughly, plan ahead, work with capable professionals and avoid potential pitfalls. We aim to create transparency and encourage Home Owners to get a cost estimate up front so as to ensure that you understand the cost implications. We would like you to be aware of your bottom line and the profit the builder will negotiate with you. — Michele Hawrylkiewicz