Negative: Not Good Quality, Not Good Value.
After 3 years house is falling apart Brick and Board built our house in 2019, and we were really satisfied with the built initially. Turns out, it was all smoke and mirrors. Three years along the line everything is falling apart. The roof was sealed with silicone and the walls that is not visible from the ground were not plastered, let alone sealed. So, not only is the roof leaking, the water is seeping into the walls. The stove top was sealed with low quality silicone, the grouting between the tiles are coming out. We are slowly but surely having to rebuilt the whole house. As the lowest quality products were used absolutely everywhere - and we most definitely did not pay for low quality products. So, if you want to build a house that last 3 years, Brick and Built are your guys, but for anything longer than that, rather stay clear of this company.