Body Stress Release - Fish Hoek

10 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, Cape Town, South Africa
Body Stress Release is a safe, natural technique which is suitable for everyone, from infants to the elderly. It prompts the body to naturally heal itself by releasing accumulated body stress.



Fish Hoek, South Peninsula, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape, South Africa


Contact Person
Elaine van Coller


  • Body Stress Release
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Unlocking tension - Restoring self-healing
    (021) 531-87... SHOW
  • Body Stress Release - Glencairn / Simonstown / Noordhoek
    Simons Town, Cape Town, South Africa
    Body Stress Release (BSR) assists those suffering with muscular and nerve pain, back pain, sciatica, muscle stress headaches, joint pain; migraines; arthritis etc. It's suitable for Adults and children and can be useful for both pain and systemic conditions, stress and anxiety, hyperactivity in children, colic / reflux in babies, and tension related issues. The underlying premise of Body Stress Release is to release the deeplly locked up muscle stress which impacts the nervous system. The Practitioner assesses the client by carrying out a series of neuro-muscular reflex tests and then performs a series of stimulus that kickstart the body's innate healing response.
    (083) 633-38... SHOW
  • Body Stress Release with Gail - Franklin Rd, Claremont
    Cape Town, South Africa
    Body Stress Release (BSR) is a gentle precise and effective technique that assists the body to release locked-in tension and to heal itself naturally. If you have ever complained or currently suffer with any of the following then BSR can help you: - back & neck pain - migraines, headaches or dizziness - hormonal issues or menstrual pain - anxiety, fatigue, sleepless nights - heartburn, indigestion or poor bowel movement. ** Babies unable to sleep, crying for no apparent reason, or unable to latch. ***Children with irritable leg syndrome (growing pains), irritability, asking to be picked up all the time.
    (071) 641-63... SHOW