Bargain Basket - Durban

OK Building, 381 Dr Pixley Kaseme Street, Durban, South Africa
CLOSED NOW!   Open again tomorrow 8:00 - 17:00
Bargain Basket is a general retailer that specializes in Party goods, Stationary, Glassware, Plastic ware, Dress up costumes, Cosmetics, Home ware, and much much more. Visit us for the widest variety at the lowest cost. We have recently opened a branch in Pinetown @ 151 Old Main Road, that has easy access and lots of parking. To Learn more about Bargain Basket visit our Facebook page under Bargain Basket Durban or Bargain Basket Pinetown.



Durban, eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa


Amina [EMAIL]
Manager Pinetown
Vleis van Rooyen [EMAIL]

Business Hours

Monday to Friday
08:00 - 17:00
Public Holidays


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