4th Floor, 82 Grayston Drive, Sandton, South Africa
Axiomatic (www. axiomatic. co. za) is an independent consulting company which operates in Africa, South Africa and the Middle East with offices in Johannesburg and Dubai. We are passionate about improving your Employee Value Proposition ("EVP"), solving problems and saving costs. Our Benefits offering includes acting a consultant to retirement funds and medical aid schemes (including introducing low health insurance options) in South Africa. We also conduct market tests to establish if costs savings can be achieved by transitioning from a free standing fund to an umbrella fund and / or another umbrella fund provider. In addition, we offer both an insourced or outsourced payroll (or a hybrid of both) solution in South Africa and 42 other African countries. We also conduct payroll audits for internal payrolls, where local tax and statutory deductions are audited to ensure compliance with legislation. We have significant experience with integrating our payroll system with SuccessFactors