AVBOB Funeral Service offers a comprehensive and credible funeral and cremation service via a network of highly trained staff that are there to assist bereaved families and friends with all the arrangements and services. AVBOB has more than 150 funeral agencies nationwide...
Coffins, Wreaths, Tombstones, Tents and Decorations.
(039) 727-45... SHOW
Avbob Funeral Parlor - Ixopo
Ixopo, South Africa
AVBOB Funeral Service offers a comprehensive and credible funeral and cremation service via a network of highly trained staff that are there to assist bereaved families and friends with all the arrangements and services. AVBOB has more than 150 funeral agencies nationwide...
(039) 834-00... SHOW
Doves Funerals & Insurance - Ixopo
Ixopo, South Africa
Doves Group is one of the largest funeral directing companies in South Africa, running a national network in excess of 160 branches. Doves provides insurance, funeral services and related products.