Heartline Diagnostic center, Sadar Bazar, Satara, India
Are you living in Satara? or nearby areas? looking for cancer treatment in Satara then you're at the right place. Dr. Pratik Patil is best cancer specialist in Pune has statred their monthly OPD in Satara. So Cancer patients in Satara don't need to travel to Pune, Mumbai or any other metro city for Advanced Cancer treatment. Dr. Pratik Patil visit Heartline Diagnostic Center at Sadar Bazar, Satara. Dr. Pratik Patil is experienced oncologist in Satara has treated many cancer patients in Satara and Pune city. With extensive expertise in treating various types of cancer, including solid cancers, hematological cancers, and blood-related disorders, Dr. Patil has been dedicated to his practice for the past 10 years, successfully treating thousands of patients.