42 Mujira Ramble, Karratha, Australia
Karratha Property Services is one of the top companies offering professional building maintenance services in Karratha as well as renovation services. We have a team of certified professionals who have years of expertise in providing maintenance and renovation services for residential as well as commercial buildings. You can get a range of customised renovation services that can give your home a new look, which can also help in attracting more potential tenants to rent your property. We ensure to deliver top-notch services to our clients as per their requirements. Our Services We have widely distributed our renovation and property maintenance services in Karratha for the following categories: > Kitchen renovation > Laundries > Cabinetry > Flooring > Tiling > Plastering > Repairing leakages from roofs > Another minor repairing > Reticulation > Garden, yard and block maintenance