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South Africa
Hang Gliding &/Or Paragliding - Instruction, Clubs & Equipment
Silent Wings Hang Gliding School
Silent Wings Hang Gliding School
Bulwer, South Africa
(039) 832-0268
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Silent Wings Hang Gliding has all the skill, experience and equipment to ensure that your flying adventure will be of the highest quality and the best value for money in the world.
Hang Gliding &/Or Paragliding - Instruction, Clubs & Equipment
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Bulwer, Harry Gwala District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Hang Gliding &/Or Paragliding - Instruction, Clubs & Equipment
Wildsky Paragliding School
Bulwer, South Africa
WildSKy Paragliding offers Tandem flights, Courses and a School for Paragliding
(039) 832-02
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Wild Sky Paragliding
Durban, South Africa
WildSKy Paragliding offers Tandem flights, Courses and a School for Paragliding
(082) 395-32
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Skytribe South Africa
Pinetown, South Africa
Skytribe-offers a form of flight that everyone can enjoy - the cheapest alternative - Powered Paragliding, microlighting and aerial advertising
(031) 701-51
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