The school is known for its good performance in Mathematics and Physical Sciences. It is situated in the township of Welkom. This school is a pure Technical school offering NINE fields of specialization: Mechanical Technology: Automotive, Welding and Fitting and Turning Civil Technology: Construction, Woodworking and Civil Services Electrical Technology: Digital Electronics, Electronics and Power Systems Other subjects are: EGD, Technical Mathematics, Technical Science, Mathematics Physical Sciences, English FAL, IsiXhosa, Sesotho and LO. The offer tuition from grade 8 - 12.
(082) 627-96... SHOW
Hoërskool Bultfontein
Bultfontein, South Africa
Hoerskool Bultfontein
(051) 853-11... SHOW
Goudveld Hoërskool
Welkom, South Africa
Goudveld-hoerskool Streef OM 'n Toonengewende Christelik Afrikensmedium Skool in die Goudveld en die Vrystet Te BLY.