The Wilds, Wimble Close, No 5 The Wilds, Ballito, South Africa
Lechintech (Pty) Ltd is a leading manufacturer of Streaming Current Detectors (SCD) also known as ion charge analysers (ICA) . We are an innovative instrument and control systems manufacturing company that provide chemical dosing solutions that are custom designed to your specific needs. We have a network of associates that allow us to offer a full project solution from design to commissioning. The expertise we offer range from electronic and chemical engineering to basic project management, with particular knowledge in the application of SCD's in the control of flocculation dosing. Lechintech PTY (Ltd) is the authorised service partner of Grundfos Dosing and Disinfection equipment for the KwaZulu Natal region. This partnership enables us to offer the full range of chemical dosing and make down equipment, measurement devices and controllers for solid, liquid and gas applications.