House Millroy, Salmon Road, Online only, Uvongo, Margate, South Africa
We make business, charity and service organisations' websites accessible to people with disabilities. This is required by law but not enforced properly yet. The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, 2000 (PEPUDA or the Equality Act, Act No. 4 of 2000 (South Africa) applies to all websites in South Africa. Similar laws apply elsewhere in the world. NGOs and NPOs can get our service for free anywhere. Allow people with epilepsy, ADHD, vision issues, dyslexia, colour blindness and many other issues to visit your website safely. Visitors can also view your website in the language of their choice (including the major African languages) . We are also looking for partners to help us grow this service so that more websites can reach more potential clients. Contact Keith if interested in learning more.