2 Waterside Crossing, Suite 105, Windsor CT, Granby, Connecticut, United States
We have unique self-developed software that's available via subscription. We hold data on job postings and candidates in the cloud. This gives a distinctive 360 degree view on candidate attraction, job delivery, application sources and resume searching. That wealth of data helps make informed recruitment advertisement decisions and help build talent pools, candidate apps and search resumes. Integrations with other leading partners give you seamless time saving job posting and distribution at the heart of your recruitment process. This coupled with our optional ATS capabilities gives end to end reliable service that's unmatched when it comes to customer support makes LogicMelon truly unique job distribution. Due to the fact that we have our own code, we can allow our customers to have bespoke code to develop based on their specific needs. We have well respected customer service for 12-14 hours a day.