We design and manufacture high quality environmental covers, bellows, bed way covers, Flexible shoots, dust covers, Food Safe covers. Outdoor Furniture covers. All the above products are machine stitched and hand assembled for the best fit and quality. The threads used always suite the material specifications to ensure logetivity of the product. ENVIROMENTAL DUST COVERS: These covers will boost your environmental rating astronomically. They are especially suited for large factories where dust is a major problem. You are also able to protect electronic equipment from dust and water. Another suitable application is for transport companies where goods need to be protected from the elements. It is also perfect for covering sand, stones, bricks, steel rolls. All covers can be custom made and branded according.
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Caly's Live Stock
Rustenburg, South Africa
Caly's live stock is an agribusiness company registered in South Africa for the purpose of farming, food processing and consultancy (registration 62599 of 2007). The company owns a number of medium sized farms in the Luka village, Phokeng, South Africa, Mgolole area of Morogoro municipality including Mgolole mixed farm (farm no: 2002). Major products are milk, quality dairy and beef heifer and bull, chicken, Peekcock, goat, sheep, improved mangoes, clean fruit planting materials, forages and hay, basic seed (maize and sunflower) under contract for seed companies