Company established in 2020, where we partnered with Pelican Biothermal and became a distributor of their products for the whole of Africa. The reason for starting the company was to introduce a revolutionary product that will give you peace of mind when transporting your valuable temperature-controlled products or samples. We expanded our product range by partnering with 2 additional companies namely: TempMate and Bio-Bottle. We are now able to offer a full temperature-controlled solution and provide UN approved packaging for Biological (UN3373) and Infectious substance (UN2814) to our Medical Clients. Our other product range; we can offer is Temperature Monitors with various functionalities and uses. Our goal is to take the lead in the whole of Africa with the sale and distribution of Temperature Controlled containers, Monitors and packaging for Biological (UN3373) / Infectious substance (UN2814) . Various Sectors that can Benefit from our products.