2 Irene Road, Drumblade Ah, De Deur, South Africa
South African Businesses lose Billions of Rands each year due to sick leave (and associated) pay-outs. A large part of the epidemic is the availability of false medical certificates (sick notes) obtainable from literally everywhere, some medical practitioners also do not operate within the spectrum of the law. Q 1. ) How does your business cope with this immense financial loss suffered? Q 2. ) Do you have the appropriate measures in place to curb your losses? Q 3. ) If you as a Business Owner have to sit down, take cognisance of, and quantify the resources e. g. time, and human capital spend on sick leave administration how much would that amount to? This is exactly where MediVerus (Pty) Ltd can step-in and assist you; offering you an efficient, and cost effective tool for the legitimate and ethical verification into the validity of medical certificates at a fraction of the costs that it would realistically demand of you.