Sheriff - Dzanani H

Office B55, Limdev Building, Thohoyandou, South Africa
The Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff must serve or execute all documents issued by our courts. These include summonses, notices, warrants and court orders. Service Areas: Afton. Dwarsspruit. Dzanani. DzataGombani. Gondeni. Ha- Maphaila. Ha- Mudimeli. Ha- Rabali. Ha- Raliphaswa. Ha-Mabirimisa. Ha-Maelula. Ha-Makatu. Ha-Makushu. Ha-Mamuhoyi. Ha-Mandiwana. Ha-Mapila. Ha-Matsa. Ha-Matsa Phaphaphani. Ha-Mavhunga. Ha-Musekwa. Ha-Ramatolo. Ha-Sevhenza. Khomela. Kokwane. Luvhalani. Mengani. Mabrimisa. Madzhatsha. Magoloni. Makhado. Mamvuka. Manyi. Maranikwe. Matanda. Matsa. Matshavhawe. MIlaboni. Mphephu. Mpzema. Mualuma. Murunwa. Musekw (next to Nzhelele Dam) . Musekwa. Mutititi. Natalie. Ndouvhada. Ngundu. Nzhelele. Pfumbada. Phadzima. Rabali. Sane. Sensedza. Seville. Siloam. Smokey. Strydom. Thonanda. Tshandau. Tshavhalovhedzi. Tshedza. Tshiendeuw. Tshifhire. Tshikombani. Tshikuwi. Tshirenzheni. Tshirolwe. Tshiswenda. Tshitavha. Tshitgvha. Tshituni. Tshituni Tsha Bulasini. Tshituni Tsha Ntha. Tsh



Thohoyandou, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa


  • Sheriff - Tshilwavhusiku H
    Thohoyandou, South Africa
    The Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff must serve or execute all documents issued by our courts. These include summonses, notices, warrants and court orders. Service Areas: Cilliersrus. Ga-Madulathoka. Gertrudsburg. Gogobole. Ha-Mabua. Ha-Madodonga. Ha-Magua. Ha-Makhitha. Ha-Ramantsha. Ha-Rathidili. Ha-Ravele. Hlomela. Homu 14 A & 14 B. Jim Nghalalume. Ka-Homu. Ka-Mapayeni. Khakhala. Khamanyani. Khashani. Kheyi. Kremetart. Kurhuleni. Loloka. Madabani. Madaheni. Madobi. Madombidzha Zone 1 & 2. Maebani. Mageva. Magoro. Mahatlani. Mahlathi. Mahuntsi. Majosi. Makhasa. Makhuvu. Makosha. Mambedi. Manghove. Mangulwani. Mapayeni. Maphanyini. Maphata. Mapuve. Mara. Mashali. Maswanganyi. Matsotsosela. Mavalani. Mavhuza. Mayephu. Mbatlo. Mbaula Ranch. Mbedle. Mbhokota. Mcetweni. Mdono. Mhlava-Willem. Midoroni. Mphagani. Muduluni. Muduwni. Munghonghoma. Muninginisi. Muraleni. Mushiyani. Muungadi. Muyeshe. Mzilela. Ndengeza. Ndhambi. Ndindani. Ndwadzekudzeku. Ngove. Nkanyani. Nkomo A & B. Nkuri. Nkuzana...
    (015) 962-20... SHOW
  • Sheriff - Tshitale H
    Thohoyandou, South Africa
    The Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff must serve or execute all documents issued by our courts. These include summonses, notices, warrants and court orders. Service Areas: Vleifontein
    (015) 962-20... SHOW
  • Sheriff - Thohoyandou (Sibasa) HL
    Thohoyandou, South Africa
    The Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff must serve or execute all documents issued by our courts. These include summonses, notices, warrants and court orders.
    (015) 962-20... SHOW